Freeform Line Tool

The Freeform line tool allows user to draw a curvature lines in any node.

To begin, the user clicks on the Freeform line tool button. The mouse on the screen is changed into the symbol "+" when it's hovered over the node, see Figure # 1.

Figure # 1

The line is accomplished by having two points; starting and ending point. To set the starting point, the user clicks and holds down the mouse, then drag it out in any direction as desired, see example in Figure # 2. 

Figure # 2

To set the point as a ending point is easy by just releasing the mouse.  Now, the line starts from the starting point and ends at the ending point is drawn. See Figure #3.

Figure # 3

Now, we have a straight line. To make a curve out of it, we put a mouse on any point of the line and stress it out to a desired curvature and release the mouse. see Figure #4.

Figure # 4

The user can place the line anywhere in the node.  This line has become final part of the node.


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