Section 2.7.1 User Login


This introductory scenario shows a user logging onto the remote server. This is one of the most common operations performed with the CSTutor. It is required to access Tutorials on the server and publishing new Tutorials. It is assumed that the user is registered either as a student or as an instructor.

To login to the server, a user selects either Student Login or Instructor Login from the Admin menu, depending if the user is registered as a student or as an instructor. This displays the dialog shown in Figure 1. The UserID field is a one line text string that is the user's ID name. The Password is one line password field for entering the users password.

Figure 1

From this dialog box, the user inputs his UserID and password into the appropriate fields. Then he selects the OK button. If the user's ID and password are correct, the user is logged into the system. If the user wanted to cancel, he would push the Cancel button. Figure 2 shows a dialog with the information filled in. The Password field is filled with '*' so that no one can see the password on the screen for security.

Figure 2

The user now has access to the system either as a student or as an instructor, depending on the Login.

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