2.7.2 Publishing a Tutorial

This introductory scenerio shows a user publishing a tutorial onto the server. This is required for students to access the tutorial later for viewing. It is assumed that the user is a registered as an instructor and that he has created a tutorial ready to be published. It is also assumed that the user has login to the server. Details on creating a tutorial can be found in sections 2.2-2.6.

To publish a tutorial, the user selects " " from " ", where the system displays the Publish Tutorial dialog box, shown in figure 1. The Class, and Tutorial fields are all one-line text fields. Class is the class this tutorial was made for and is used to determine organization in the File View. Tutorial is the file name of the tutorial being published.

Figure 1

After the dialog appears on the screen, the user enters information by typing in the appropriate fields. Figure 2 shows the result of the user having filled in information for publishing a tutorial called "For Loops." To publish the tutorial the user pushes the Publish button. The tutorial is uploaded to the server and is now available for students and instructors for viewing. If the user did not want to publish a tutorial, he would have push the Cancel button. This would close the dialog box with out making any changes.

Figure 2

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