1.2. System Personnel

The personnel involved in the CSTutor project are organized into the following groups and subgroups:

End users are those who use the CSTutor for its intended purpose. Registered student users are able to take quizzes to test their knowledge of subject material at intervals during tutorials. The progress of these users is tracked and upon logging in, these users are reminded of their current progress in any given tutorial. When a student registers, he is allowed to register under an anonymous nickname. Registered teachers are able to create tutorials for their students to use, publish them, and are able to check on their students' progress. System administrators perform overall system administration functions, including student and teacher registration. Unregistered student users have the ability to access lessons, but are unable to take quizzes or be reminded where they left off. These and other users are also able to create and save tutorials, but may not publish them to the repository on which registered instructors publish.

The system developers are the members of group "42", who are:

Leader: Kendra Baughman
Assistant Leader: Ashley Nichols
Technical Leader: Mark Cronquist
Librarian/Secretary: Ben Vaughan
Documentation Specialist: Jennifer Pawlik
Aesthetic/Graphics Specialist: Pete Lawrence

The CSTutor project manager and supervisor is Gene Fisher. He is in charge of guiding and shaping the CSTutor project, as well as providing the idea for the project in the beginning. He evaluates and grades the efforts of the system developers at the end of the quarter.

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