Google Guide

Good Features

  • The guide/tutorial has an explorer/navigation bar on the left hand side of the screen that can easily take the user to any part of the tutorial and show them there progress through it
  • Each heading in the main information section can be expanded for higher levels of detail and greater explanation.

Bad Features

  • The information section of the tutorial puts many of the section headings on the same page, without clear differentiation. The information section at times tends to be a wall of text
  • Certain parts of the speech are condescending, while others use terms that should not be present in a beginners guide.

Missing Features

  • The system we create should have easier navigation tools to break up the blocks of text.
  • Each heading should receive its own page.
  • Our system should be more interactive, i.e. Allow the user to interact with what they are learning about and demonstrate for themselves that they can perform what they are being taught.
  • Our system should also allow the user to have the ability to communicate in some fashion with someone who knows more about the subject matter than they themselves do.