1.4. Impacts

The potential positive impacts of the CSTutor:

  1. increased student-teacher interaction
  2. better student academic performance
  3. increased statistical analysis to help teachers calibrate teaching to suit student needs
  4. usage outside of the computer science department and outside of the university

Potential negative impacts include a hard to use, complicated user interface if implemented incorrectly. Both the user and author side could be difficult to use. More specific negative impacts relate to privacy, security and accurate data, only if the user chooses to not be anonymous. If the CSTutor includes users and registration, there could be privacy and security issues. Private information, such as name, emplID, or more could be revealed. Quiz results could potentially be corrupted, skewing a professor's data on class progress or giving incorrect feedback to students.

As a course example, the use of the CSTutor has no significant negative impacts, unless its development methodology is considered weak or unrelated to the concepts being taught in a particular course. Such negative impacts can be easily avoided if instructors carefully examine the example before using it in a particular software engineering curriculum.

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