1.1. Problem Statement

The general problems to be addressed by the 'CS Tutor' project are the following:

  1. to help Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Computer Engineering students who are having trouble understanding certain concepts or programming languages
  2. to allow professors the ability to find out and focus more on common problem areas with students, while also tracking their successes throughout the tutorial

These problems have been addressed publicly on a singular level in multiple ways and through multiple methods. What the CS Tutor will instead combine both problems into a singular tutorial. Specific problem areas are the following:

  1. allowing Generic language usage (ie. currently tutors C, but can easily add Java)
  2. tracking a student's progress through the tutorial
  3. allowing the professor to better understand what causes certain failures

The 'CS Tutor' project addresses the requirements of a particular customer, while allowing modifications by multiple customers. This project will result in a combination of many aspects of preexisting tools, while combining them to create a new tool not yet seen.

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