Drawing Shapes in the Snapshot Window

When the user opens a Snapshot in the Presentation Window, the user is presented with a Snapshot window shown in Figure The user is able to draw on an overlay using the following drawing tools in the Drawing Window in Figure Paint Bucket, Paint Brush, Line, Oval, Rectangle, and Custom Shape.

Figure Snapshot Window.

Figure Drawing Window.

Choosing a Color

Before the user draws a shape, the user can choose a color. To change the current color, the user clicks on the foreground color button, Figure, in the Drawing Window.

Figure Foreground Color Button

When the user clicks on the Foregournd Color Button, the user is presented with the Color Picker Window shown in Figure

Figure Foreground Color Picker Window

The large square window in the Color Picker Window allows the user to change the brightness of the selected color. The user can change the brightness of the color by clicking anywhere in the large square area. The user can change the hue of the color by clicking on any part of the rainbow bar located in the middle of the window. When the user changes the hue, the two triangles located on the sides of the rainbow bar will move to the user's selected hue. The color box to the right of the rainbow bar is the visual representation of the users selected color. As the user changes the hue and brightness of the color, the user is presented with the numerical value of that color, located below the visual representation of the users selected color. When the user is done selecting their color, the user presses the OK button located at the buttom of the window. The user can cancel their selection by hitting the Cancel button and return to the previously selected color

Paint Bucket Tool

The Paint Bucket tool changes the background color of a selected Overlay. To use the Paint Bucket tool, the user clicks on the Paint Bucket icon located on the Drawing Window. The user clicks anywhere on the Overlay in the Snapshot Window in Figure and the Paint Bucket will change the Overlay background color to the selected foreground color as shown in Figure

Figure Paint Bucket Results

Paint Brush Tool

The Paint Brush tool allows the user to paint with the mouse on a selected Overlay. The color of the Paint Brush tool is selected by choosing a foreground color. To use the Paint Brush tool, the user clicks on the Paint Brush icon located on the Drawing Window. The user holds down the mouse button to use the Paint Brush and moves the mouse to draw any shape the user wants. The user stops pressing the mouse button to stop using the Paint Brush. An example of what a Paint Brush Drawing looks like is shown on Figure when the user selects the color red in the Foreground Color Picker Window.

Figure Paint Brush Results

Line Tool

The Line tool allows the user to draw a line on a selected Overlay. The color of the Line tool is selected by choosing a foreground color. To use the Line tool, the user clicks on the Line icon located on the Drawing Window. The user holds down the mouse button to select the starting position of the line. While the user holds down the mouse button, the user moves the mouse to where the user wants the line to end and releases the mouse button. An example of what the Line tool draws on an Overlay is shown on Figure when the user selects the color black in the Foreground Color Picker Window.

Figure Line Tool Results

Oval Tool

The Oval tool allows the user to draw an oval outline on a selected Overlay. The color of the Oval tool is selected by choosing a foreground color. To use the Oval tool, the user clicks on the Oval icon located on the Drawing Window. The user holds down the mouse button to select the starting corner of the oval. While the user holds down the mouse button, the user moves the mouse to where the user wants the opposite corner of the oval and releases the mouse button. An example of what the Oval tool draws on an Overlay is shown on Figure when the user selects the color blue in the Foreground Color Picker Window.

Figure Oval Tool Results

Rectangle Tool

The Retangle tool allows the user to draw a rectangle outline on a selected Overlay. The color of the Rectangle tool is selected by choosing a foreground color. To use the Rectangle tool, the user clicks on the Rectangle icon located on the Drawing Window. The user holds down the mouse button to select the starting corner of the rectangle. While the user holds down the mouse button, the user moves the mouse to where the user wants the opposite corner of the rectangle and releases the mouse button. An example of what the Rectangle tool draws on an Overlay is shown on Figure when the user selects the color yellow in the Foreground Color Picker Window.

Figure Rectangle Tool Results

Custom Shape Tool

The Custom Shape tool allows the user to draw a custom shape on a selected Overlay. A Custom Shape is a series of lines that begins and ends at a single point. The color of the Custom Shape tool is selected by choosing a foreground color. To use the Custom Shape tool, the user clicks on the Custom Shape icon located on the Drawing Window. The user clicks the mouse button to select the starting position of the custom shape. Then the user clicks where the ending point of the first line segment ends. The user repeats the process of drawing line segments until the user reaches the beginning point of the custom shape. When the user is done drawing the custom shape, the user double clicks the mouse. An example of what the Custom Shape tool draws on an Overlay is shown on Figure when the user selects the color brown in the Foreground Color Picker Window.

Figure Custom Shape Tool Results

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