Managing class lists includes keeping track of attendance records, the enrollment of new students to class and the withdrawal of students from class.
To create a new class list or load an existing class list, the instructor selects 'Roster --> Class Lists' on the main menu bar. A dialog box of 'Class Lists' will appear in response as in Figure 2.5.3a.
Figure 2.5.3a. Class List Dialog Box
To add a new class section, the instructor opens the 'Class Lists' dialog box in Figure 2.5.3a and types in the new class section in the 'Create New Class Section' field. After typing in the class time and class period in the 'New Class Time" field and 'Class Period' field respectively, the instructor clicks on the 'Add' button and the new class section will be shown in the 'Class Lists' field on the left as shown in Figure 2.5.3b.
Figure 2.5.3b. Create a new class section
To load a class section to the Roster, the instructor selects a class section from the 'Class Lists' field and clicks 'Load' as shown in Figure 2.5.3c. The selected class list would then be loaded to the Roster and the dialog box would disappear. To delete a class section from the class lists, selects a class section on the left of the 'Class Lists' and clicks 'Delete'. A confirmation window will appear in response. When the instructor clicks 'OK', the class section will be removed from the class lists.
Figure 2.5.3c. Load a class section
During class period, the login time of each student accessing the system will be recorded automatically. The instructor can view the history of the class attendance by selecting 'Roster --> View Attendance History' on the main menu bar. In response, the system displays the class attendance record in a separate window as shown in Figure 2.5.3d. The window shows the class time and the attendance record of each student in the class section. The attendance record is shown in color codes, green for 'Present', yellow for 'Late' and red for 'Absent'. Clicks 'OK' and the window will disappear.
Figure 2.5.3d. View Attendance History
To add a new student to the class list, the instructor selects 'Roster --> Add Student' on the main menu bar. A dialog box of 'Add Student' pops up (in Figure 2.5.3e) in response. After the instructor enters all the information of the student to the required fields, clicks the 'Add' button and the student will be included in the class list as well as appear in the Roster.
Figure 2.5.3e. Add Student Dialog Box
To remove a student permanently from the class list, the instructor selects 'Roster --> Delete Student' on the main menu toolbar. A dialog box of 'Delete Student' (in Figure 2.5.3f) displays the class list and the instructor can select the student from the list. Click 'Remove' and a confirmation box will appear as shown in Figure 2.5.3g. Click 'OK' and the student will be removed from the class list and Roster permanently.
Figure 2.5.3f. Delete Student Dialog Box
Figure 2.5.3g. Delete student confirmation dialog box
To modify a student's properties, the instructor selects 'Roster --> Student Properties' on the main menu bar. A dialog box of 'Student Properties' appears in response as in Figure 2.5.3h. First the instructor must select a student from the 'Class List' field on the left of the dialog box as shown in Figure 2.5.3i. Then the student's record will be shown on the right. After modifying the record, the instructor clicks 'Update' and the student's record will be updated in the system.
Figure 2.5.3h. Student Properties Dialog Box
Figure 2.5.3i. An example of updating Student 1's record in the Student Properties Dialog Box
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