The primary use for this software is within the computer science department here at Cal Poly University, with a secondary use within other departments here at Cal Poly University. If the software is found to be successful and valuable to the general public, then it may be released to SourceForge, a large Open Source repository. The ultimate goal of this software is for it to be used in an academic environment with networked student machines and an instructor machine. The primary difference between the student and instructor machines is that the instructor's machine has the capability to project its display onto the screen for everyone to see.
After installation, the student and instructor machines will differ. The student privileges will be controlled by the instructor's machine. The instructor will truly be a moderator in a class discussion, granting and denying talking and use privileges, and making sure the lecture flows accordingly.
EClass can also potentially be used as a developmental artifact for future software development classes here at Cal Poly University, primarily in classes with a focus in the traditional software development process. All the developmental artifacts for the project will be saved in a public release repository for viewing and studying, enabling future students to better understand the process.