1.4. Impacts

The potential positive effects of the Electronic Classroom are the convenience of having all the students collaborate and participate freely on a common lecture.
The positive impacts on the instructor are

a. Automated role taking
b. Increased question asking ability
c. The instructor can instantly see what the student is asking due to the public mark-up of lecture slides

The positive impacts on the students are

a. Asking anonymous questions. No more 'stupid' questions
b. Each student takes a personalized version of the lecture with them

Other general positive impacts on the classroom as a whole are

a. An overall increase in interactivity
b. Paper is saved

The potentially negative impacts all focus around the ability of this tool to integrate seamlessly with a classroom. If the tool is too cumbersome or slow
then the potential positive impacts will be shadowed by the time wasted with the tool. There is also an issue with disturbances caused by inappropriate
public markup of the lecture by students. Also due to this tool being able to allow the student to essentially be taught from home, there is a chance that
this tool could cause some students to not come to class.

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