1.3. Operational Setting

<<<<<<< .mine The eClass Tool integrates student-teacher interaction in its functionality. One way to structure eClass is to design it as a tool enabling both local and remote users to actively participate in a class session.
======= The primary setting of eClass is the Cal Poly Computer Science department. eClass can be installed onto several machines under a pre-configured network in a single lab, where there is one main instructor machine and the rest are satellite computers. The class begins when the instructor opens up a lecture. Computer science students can access a classroom session when prompted by a login screen where they are to enter in their ID or default to using a general computer login if already logged in.
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Other Cal Poly departments and educational institutions can definitely utilize the eClass product too. However, the eClass program specifically caters to the teaching style and miscellaneous specifications by the Cal Poly CS department.

Generally speaking, the program integrates more intimate electronic student-teacher interaction through video streaming. Microphones and cameras could be accessories in the lab setting to assist the automatic synchronization between video and audio.

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