1.2. System Personnel
The personnel involved in the eClassroom project are organized in
the following groups and subgroups:
end users
- instructor
- in-class students
- out-of-class guest
- project manager
- system developers
End users are those who use the eClassroom for its intended purpose. The owner of the lecture file does any administration required.
Instructors can create a lecture and copy it later to another machine in a classroom. They need to create some
roster to allow users to access the lecture. Anyone in the roster is considered an in-class student, the roster can
also be used to take attendance.
If an in-class students is logged in a machine eClassroom will be launched and the lecuture will be displayed on their screen.
Anyone who logs in after a lecture has started will recieve a pop up window propmting if they want to join the current lecture.
Finally, anyone can use the eClassroom as an
out-of-class guest
if the owner of the lecture file adds them. End users will be able to save a personalized copy of the lecture.
The project manager is Gene Fisher. Through a series of interviews we have ensured that his needs were satisfy.
The system developers are: Brandon Clarke, Lauren Tsung, Jesus Martinez, Nick delMas, Pete Tucker, Tyler Bringham.
The E-Class is available as public domain software for use by outside parties. The project directory is http://www.csc.calpoly.edu/~ptucker/projects/eclass
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