2.3.2. Expanding and Collapsing lists

One of the features of the E-Class tool is the ability to expand and collapse lists during presentation. This applies to both ordered and unordered lists, however deep they may be nested.

When a collapsed list item has sub-items, a plus-shaped graphic is added to its left, and a thin horizontal rule is applied, as in figure Conceptually, the horizontal rule may be considered a placeholder for the missing text.

The plus-shaped graphic is clickable. When the instructor clicks it, the items in the list are displayed, and the plus becomes a minus (see figure A list which is expanded like this can be collapsed again by clicking on the minus, causing the reverse change (from (b) to (a)).

Expanding a list
Figure Expanding a list.

It is reasonable to inquire how lists which contain lists, and not merely text, behave. The following sequence of screenshots demonstrates this behavior.

Full expansion

This image demonstrates a list which contains a list, both fully expanded. The instructor may collapse the top-level list, which places the slide in this state:

Full collapse

All elements of the list are pulled in. Expanding the list again returns the slide to its original state:

Back to original

The next three screens show the program's behavior if the inner list is collapsed, then the outer list is collapsed, then the outer list is expanded again:

Inner list collapsed
Everything collapsed
Outer list expanded

This last example is intended to demonstrate that the lists ``remember'' their state, even when they have been hidden beneath a collapsed higher-level list.

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