Requirements Specification
for E-Class
Version 1.0
10 December 2009

1.  Introduction
     1.1. Problem Statement
     1.2. System Personnel
     1.3. Operational Setting
     1.4. Impacts
     1.5. Related Systems
     1.6. Features Matrix
2.  Functional Requirements
    2.1 UI Overview
       2.1.1 Instructor
       2.1.2 Student
       2.1.3 Toolbar Overview - Instructor View
       2.1.4 Toolbar Overview - Student View
    2.2 Preparing a Lecture
        2.2.1 Using the Insert Menu
      Inserting Text
      Inserting Image
      Inserting Topic/Sub-Topic
      Inserting a Slide Break
       2.2.2 Importing an Lecture from an External Source
      Importing a Lecture Scenario
       2.2.3 Saving a Lecture
    2.3 Presenting a Lecture
        2.3.1 Navigation
     Navigation use cases
        2.3.2 Expanding and Collapsing Lists
    2.4 Viewing a Lecture
        2.4.1 Navigation
     Navigation use cases
        2.4.2 Notes
    2.5 Group Communication
        2.5.1 General Chat
        2.5.2 Asking a Question
        2.5.3 Instructor Question Management
        2.5.4 Working Together as a Class
    2.6 Tool Details
        2.6.1 Drawing Tool Window
        2.6.2 Using the Rectangle Tool
        2.6.3 Using the Ellipse Tool
        2.6.4 Using the Curve Tool
        2.6.5 Using the Line Tool
        2.6.6 Using the Text Tool
        2.6.7 Using the Arrow Tool
        2.6.8 Using the Colorpicker Tool
        2.6.9 Using the Grab Object Tool
        2.6.10 Layer Tool (Overlays) Window
        2.6.11 Making a Layer Public
        2.6.12 Adjusting Ink Opacity
    2.7 The Attendance Window
        2.7.1 Choosing a Student Question to Answer
     Question Asked Menu Overview
     Choosing to Respond to or Ignore a Question
        2.7.2 Permissions
        2.7.3 Layers
   2.8 Viewing Lectures Remotely and Offline
      2.8.1 Registration to E-Class
      2.8.2 Enrollment to a Course
      2.8.3 Remote Viewing
      2.8.4 Offline Viewing

3. Non-Functional Requirements

3.1 System Performance
3.2 Qualitative System Characteristics

List of Figures