2.5. Group Communication

Students need to be able to communicate with the class leader during a presentation without interruption. The electronic classroom includes a chat room (a channel) for each class that is moderated by the leader. In addition to text communication, it displays various status messages for the user. The classroom chat gives students the option to appear anonymous to everyone but the leader. Students may speak generally in the chat room, or they can use the "Ask Question" button to bring the question to the leader's attention. If a student gets unruly, the instructor can boot them via the Attendance Window.

Fig. 2.5.1: A blank chat window.

When a user presses enter when the window's focus is in the chat input area, it always behaves as if he clicked the "Send" button.


2.5.1 - General Chat
2.5.2 - Asking a Question
2.5.3 - Instructor Question Management
2.5.4 - Working Together as a Class

Related Section:

2.7 - The Attendance Window

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