2.7 The Attendance Window

When the instructor initially opens the e-class main-window, this anchorable window opens within it, with its own set of related functions.

Figure 2.7.1: Attendance Window Overview

Looking at the attendance window from the top down, the Screen Title highlights the name of this window. The 'Minimize Screen' button minimizes the screen, while the 'Restore Screen' button restores the screen to its pre-minimized size. Moving down a line, the control options line has no actions associated with it, but reminds the instructor which columns perform which actions. The P stands for student permissions level which ranges from blue to red in order of most to least user permissions. The blue signifies Free Use Mode, which allows the students to synch and de-synch from the class at will, as well as allowing free use of other programs on the machine. The green signifies Limited Outside Usability Mode, in which students' can synch and de-synch from the instructor's lecture screen, and the students' machines are allowed limited outside program usage. The orange signifies Partial Locked Down Mode, in which students can synch and de-synch with the instructor, can still take notes, and their machines have no access to outside software. The red signifies Fully Locked Down Mode, in which student's machines are completely synched with the instructor's and note taking and layering are disabled, as well as outside software being disabled. Lastly, the L stands for Layer which allows student layers to be displayed at the instructor's option.

Stepping down to the Batch Controls, this line allows the instructor to make batch modifications of student access levels.

Dropping down again, to the Question line, this queue dynamically shrinks and expands as students request to ask a question, and are answered in turn. This line, as with the Present and Guest lines also has an expand/collapse button just before the batch controls. This button will expand the list of students as shown if currently collapsed, or if it is currently collapsed it will re-expand the list. This line also has its own separate batch options which apply only to its queue. Moving down one more line there is a sample student, Frank Henry, with his permissions set to Fully Locked Down Mode, and his layer is active. Frank's presence in the Question queue means that he has requested to ask a question.

Stepping down again to the Present line, this list is an alphabetically ordered list of all the attending students in the class that do not have a question. As with the Question queue, this section is given its own batch operators. Looking at a sample student line So Andso is an example student in the Present list. So's permissions are set to Limited Outside Usability Mode and her layer is hidden.

Next, stepping down to the Guest line is another alphabetically ordered list of guest students not logged in from one of the classroom machines. The only available control for the guest list is the layer option, and guest students are always operating in Free Use Mode.

Finally, moving down to the last greyed line, the Absent List is a complete listing of all students on the class roster that are not in one of the other three queue/lists. Students in this category are not currently attending the lecture, but may have their permissions and layers modified. These modifications will be pending until the modified user logs in.

As this is an anchorable window it may be freely moved around within the e-class program, and will attach or “anchor” to any of the other sub-windows of the program.


        2.7.1 Choosing a Student Question to Answer

 Question Asked Menu Overview

 Choosing to Respond to or Ignore a Question

        2.7.2 Permissions

        2.7.3 Layers

        2.7.4 Banning and Unbanning

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