2.7.1 Choosing a Student Question to Answer

This scenario walks an instructor through the action of selecting a student question to answer from the Attendance Window's Question queue.

The instructor left-clicks on the name of the student who's question he wishes to answer, and the question dialogue box will pop up with the students question. The question queue maintains a listing of students who have requested to ask a question in the order that the question requests were received. However, the instructor is free to ignore the ordering and select to answer whichever questions he sees fit to answer.

Figure Selecting a Question

In this case the instructor has clicked on Frank Henry (see figure, so Frank's question will pop up. The details of the question dialogue box are located in section Question Asked Menu Overview.

Figure List Refresh

The Attendance Window will then automatically replace the student's line into the list appropriate to his login status. Either the guest list, or the present list. This insertion maintains the alphabetical sorting nature of these lists.

After a student is selected from the question queue, and replaced into the proper list, either guest or present, the instructor is then given the student's question in the question dialogue box (see section Question Asked Menu Overview), and the Attendance Window continues to automatically update as new question requests are placed and as students add or `remove themselves from the classroom.

Subsections: Choosing a Student Question to Answer Choosing to Respond to or Ignore a Question

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