2.7.2 Permissions

This scenario consists of two parts the first of which walks an instructor through the use of the batch control options to set students' permissions levels from the Attendance Window's batch line.

The instructor left-clicks on the P column in the batch control line of the Attendance Window, and the batch permission level will cycle to the next permission level in decreasing order of permissions. The cycle of permissions is as follows blue->green->orange->red->blue, etc. If a batch permission level is unset, signified by a grey square in the batch permissions column, then clicking on the batch permission level will unify all of the permissions to red. Each of these permissions levels are mutually exclusive, a student cannot have both permission level red and green simultaneously. Additionally option L is not available from the batch control line.

Figure Starting Permissions

In this case the instructor would like his students to follow the lecture very closely at this point, as he deems the material sufficiently important, so he cycles the P column in the batch control line to red.

Figure Modified Permissions

After cycling the P column to red, all non-guest students' permissions are downgraded to red status. This disallows the students from desynching from the instructor's lecture, taking notes, layering, and from using outside software.

This is reflected in the red column for each non-guest student in the Attendance Window.

As the lecture progresses the instructor decides that the students don't need to pay as strict attention, so he decides to upgrade their permissions to green status. This allows the students to utilize some of the outside programs available on their machine, and allows them to synch or de-synch with the instructor's screen.

Figure Permissions Upgrade to Green

As with the downgrade of the permissions to red, the upgrade of permissions to green results in the Attendance Window updating all of the visible student permission levels, to the appropriate selected level.

Permission batch changes are reflected simultaneously on the Attendance Window, as well as in the access level of the student clients. Details on the student client changes can be viewed in section 2.Z.

The second part of this scenario walks the instructor through the changing of individual permissions.

To change an individual student's permissions the instructor selects and clicks on an individual students permissions icon as pictured below.

Figure Individual Student Permission Selection

The Attendance Window then updates the view to reflect the changed individual permissions level.

Figure Individual Student Permission Post-modification

In this scenario, the instructor clicked on Albert Nestor, who's permissions were set to Green, so his permissions cycled to the next permissions level which is Blue, as seen in figure

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