2.8.1 Registration to E-Class

One of the key features of the E-Class is the ability to view lectures remotely. This allows users to view and edit notes from home. When the user presses the 'Create new account' button in the start-up window, E-Class displays the registration window shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Registration Window

By entering the full name, username, password, and email the E-Class is able to identify and verify all students are in class and have access to all classroom materials at anytime. In the event that a user enters an invalid password or username a prompt appears immediately to correct the error before the user can proceed to the next step. However, if all the information is valid, as shown if the figure below, the user is sent a verification email to the address given.

Figure 2: Valid Registration Form

The verification email contains a hyperlink that once followed activates the E-Class account. Upon activation the user can proceed to course enrollment.

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