2.2.3. Selecting a Layer

The bottom of the toolbox will show the name of the current layer.

Figure 5: Current layer is Student1

To create a new layer, go to the Layer tab and select New Layer

[figure 6 showing Layer Tab]

The new layer will appear on the bottom of the toolbox window. In this example, the new layer is called Student2

Figure 7: The current active layer is student2

If the user wishes to go back to the layer called student1 they must click on the name in the Toolbox window. This will bring the layer to the top and current tool selections will operate on this layer.

To delete a layer, select the name of the layer in the toolbox window by clicking on it. The name will highlight automatically:

[figure 8 showing highlighted name]

Then to to the Layer Tab and choose Delete Layer.

[figure 9 showing layer tab]

Or, simply hit the DELETE key after the name of the layer has been selected on the bottom of the Toolbox Window.

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