1.5.1. Elluminate
Good Features:
video (webcam)
Import from ppt
Breakout rooms
Ability to force class to follow moderator through slides
- Embedded quiz
- poll for understanding
Moderator can control visiblity of poll results
- different types of polls
multiple choice (3, 4, or 5 choices)
pace (too fast/slow)
embedded web browser for "web tour"
multimedia player
record session
share desktop (view)
remote desktop (or application) control
file transfer
phone conferencing
Missing Features:
Confusing UI (toolbar)
Seperate window for notes that can be exported only as plain text.
Powerpoint import only imports a png of each slide
import limited to MS PowerPoint, OpenOffice.org, image files, Elluminate proprietary format
Bad Features:
Only one level of moderator (no breakout room session leader)
No indication of if students are paying attention
HTML import
public/private layers
opacity controls
outline mode (MS Word)
roster / attendence
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