Navigating through slides is done by using the slide navigation toolbar at the top right of the screen. Figure shows the slide navigation tools as the instructor sees them.
Figure Instructor slide navigation toolbar
When the instructor hits next slide or previous slide the whiteboard jumps to the next or previous slide in the lecture respectively. Since this is the instructor, this change also takes effect on all students' screens. Changing slides also goes to a new set of layers and a new set of notes that are associated with the new slide, in addition to hiding the layers and notes that are associated with the original slide. Figure shows an example slide, and Figure shows the subsequent slide after the instructor hits next slide.
Figure Example Slide
Figure Result of Instructor Pressing Next Slide Button
The instructor can also quickly jump to a particular slide if they know what number the slide is. This is done by typing a slide number into the jump to text box, then pressing enter. If the instructor inputs a valid slide number, the whiteboard switches directly to the slide number that the instructor entered.
If the instructor were to his the previous slide button at this point, the whiteboard would return to the slide in Figure The notes and layers associated with the previous slide are also restored to the notepad and layer management widget respectively. Figure shows the what the result of all these changes would be if the instructor decided to return to the previous slide.