1.2. System Personnel
The personnel involved in the Electric Classroom project are organized into the following groups and subgroups:
- end users
- instructors
- registered students in class
- registered students outside of class
- guest students
- customers
- system developers
- outside parties
End users are participants in classrooms that utilize this software. Instructors have full privileges turned on for them, allowing them to facilitate their lecture through the software as they see fit. They also act as moderators or administrators of a sort, in that they control what privileges the students in their class have. Registered students in the class are the students physically present in the classroom. They may be using the Electric Classroom software on their own computers or on tablets designed for this use. Registered students outside of class are the students attending class remotely. They see all the things the instructor displays on their monitor and hears audio of the lecture. Guest students are non-registered students that the instructor may optionally let join the class. Instructors can differentiate between these three types of students and assign privileges to each group specifically, or divide the groups into subgroups for more differentiation.
The primary customer is Gene Fisher. He represents the faculty of the California Polytechnic State University Computer Science Department, and can consult them as needed to determine requirements.
The system developers are six Cal Poly students – Nathan Duffy, Matt Schirle, Erik Sandberg, Dane Iracleous, Ryan Coonan, and Mark Paddon. Each is involved in every aspect of the software’s development.
Outside parties include Cal Poly faculty outside of the Computer Science department who may wish to use this software, as well as other education institutions with similar needs.
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