2.5.1 Changing the Grade Curve Using the Histogram

This scenario will show the user how to use the histogram. The histogram is a chart that shows all the possible grades and percents, and using astricks tells the user how many students received that grade. If there is only 1 astrick only one student received that grade. If there is 0 then no one received it. The histogram shows instructors and students how many students are receiving each grade. It also allows for easy adjustment of the grading scheme.

The grading curve can be manipulated very easily. First the user must set the Grading Threshold. An example of a grading scheme already setup is displayed below in Figure


After setting what kind of grades the class will receive the viewer needs to focus their attention the actual histogram. The user then must decide if they want to change part of the grading scheme. After deciding what grade the user wants to change, the user must select the edit chart button on the bottom of the screen. The grade lines on the histogram will change to become editable.


Figure shows this change of the lines. To increase the value of the grade the user must move the line higher on the histogram. This will decrease the number of people who will receive the grade. To lower the grade's value the user must do the opposite by lowering the gradeline. The maximum of the grade is determined by the minimum of the grade above it. For example, if the user set an A-‘s gradeline to 90 and the A’s gradeline to 93% anyone that receives a 90%, 91%, or 92% percent will receive an A-. It is not possible to decrease the gradeline lower then the gradeline of the grade below it. Same goes for increasing the gradeline. The user can not make an A-‘s gradeline be 95 percent if A’s gradeline is 93%. After changing the gradelines the user must press the save changes to make the changes permanent and have the changes affect the main spreadsheet, and grading threshold.

The professor can also prevent a student from recieving a certain grade. For instance if a professor didnt want any students to recieve a D he could make them all receive a C. To begin, the professor must drag the C gradeline down till it ran into the C- gradeline. The gradeline can not go lower then the gradeline below it. If the user attempts to lower the gradeline lower it will just snap to the gradeline just below it. Figure below shows the user dragging the C gradeline onto the C- gradeline.


The professor must then move both the C- and the C gradelines to the D+ gradeline. To do this easily the user just grabs the highest grade out of the stacked gradeline and drags it down. Or visa versa for increasing both gradelines. Figure shows all three gradelines stacked on top of each other.


The professor then moves the C gradeline down to the D gradeline. This will drag the C-, and the D+ gradeline with the C gradeline. This will stack all four gradelines on top of each other and make the students previously reciving a D grade have a C grade.

When the save changes button is pressed it updates both the gradesheet and the PieChart as well as the Histogram. Below in Figure shows all three updated.


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