2.2.1 Importing from SIS

This scenario will show the user how to import the student list from SIS. After opening the Grader the user must select File>>Import Students from SIS. After selecting import, Figure 2.2.1 below will pop up.

Figure 2.2.1

The username field will have the last user that imported students. In this case the username field is empty. After filling in the password and the server address the user must select click the connect button. This will connect to the server and figure out what classes the user can import. The Classes dropdown menu has a few options as shown below in Figure 2.2.2.

Figure 2.2.2

Each gradesheet contains only one class so the user must select a class to import. After the class has been selected the user selects the import button to begin the process of importing. As shown below the progress bar on the bottom shows the current status of the import as shown in Figure 2.2.3.

Figure 2.2.3

Once the import is complete the student list will automatically be filled in with the User Names and IDs as shown below in Figure 2.2.4

Figure 2.2.4


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