2.5.3 Viewing a Grading history

This scenario shows the user how to use the teacher grading history graph. The teacher grading history graph is a bar graph showing the highest grade, lowest, mean, and average grades recieved in a range of quarters. In the main menu the user must select graphs->teacherhistory. This will bring up Figure shown below.


The first option is the number of terms to view. The first two standard options are to view the last 5 terms and the last 10 terms. The user also can view any terms up to 10 terms max. As shown in Figure below.


The user then types the professor's name and the class he wishes to see. After all the options are filled the user then clicks the button create graph.

Then the graph will look similar to Figure


This graph shows what percent of students received each letter grade. The larger the colored box of the lettergrade the more percent of the students received that grade. The user then can either edit the graph again or close the graph after he/she is finished.

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