2.5.2 Changing the Grade Curve by using the Pie Chart

This scenario will show the user how to use the Pie Chart. The Pie Chart is a diagram showing how many students received a certain grade. The highest grade starts from the 12 o'clock position. The grades move down in order in a clockwise fashion. The pie chart shows the user how many students received each grade in a graphical fashion.

To use the pie chart, the user must first set the Grading Threshold. The pie chart shows what percent of the class is getting what grade. To adjust the pie chart by hand the user must click the edit chart button on the bottom of the page. This will bring up the gradelines and circles at the end of each. To adjust the pie chart the use must click and drag one of the circles at the end of the grade line. This will make the slice bigger or smaller dpeending on the user. In turn this will make the amount of students who will recieve this grade increase or decrease. The pie chart is ordered from the highest grade to the lowest grade going in clockwise fashion. This makes it so by increasing or decreasing one grade it will only affect the grade closest to it. For instance, if the user wanted to increase the number of B’s received in the class and reduce the number of A's in the class, the user would drag the circle on the right side of the B slice and drag it counterclockwise. This will make the A slice smaller and reduce the amount of students receiving an A.


Figure shows the pie chart being edited.  After the user clicks the save changes button the changes made to the pie chart will update the histogram and the main student spreadsheet.

As in the Histogram the professor can also prevent a student from recieving a certain grade. Like the histogram the professor can make it so his students do not recieve a D. He could make them all receive a C. To start the professor must drag the C pieline and drop it on top of the C- pieline. If the user tries to drag the pieline past another pieline it simply snap to the pieline closest to the one being dragged. Also for instance if there is only one student recieving a C grade and the professor drags the C+ grade and drops it in the middle of the pieslice, the pieline will snap to the nearest possible percent. If the user drops it closer to the C+ gradeline closer to the C pieline it will snap on to the C pieline. If the user drops it closer to its previous position it will snap back allowing that one student to receive the C. Figure below shows The professor dragging the C pieline to the C- pieline.


Next the professor drags the C pieline to the D+ pieline. This will make the C- pieline move to the D+ pieline also. Figure below shows this.


The professor then moves the C pieline again to the D pieline. This will drag the C-, and the D+ pieline to the D pieline. This effectivly makes all the students that were receiving a D to have a the grade C. Below Figure shows all four pielines stacked on top of each other.


When the save changes button is pressed it updates both the gradesheet and the Histogram as well as the piechart. Below in Figure shows all three updated.


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