2.3 Browsing Grades, Students and Assignments

This section will focus on browsing grades, students and assignments via the ‘Classes’. This tool provides fast access to these 3 fields all in one window.

We will begin with the initial ‘Classes’ as shown in Figure 2.3-1.

Figure 2.3-1: Initial ‘Classes’ window.

The ‘Classes’ window begins showing only the root grade book. This is done automatically when a grade book file is opened or created. After populating the grade book with various classes, students and grade items, the ‘Classes’ window will look something like Figure 2.3-2.

Figure 2.3-2: Collapsed GradeBook directory.

The hierarchy of the ‘Classes’ begins with the grade book file, and continues on to classes, students and graded items, and finally each individual entry for each category. The 3rd tier of the ‘Classes’ is shown in Figure 2.3-3.

Figure 2.3-3: 3rd tier of ‘Classes’ window.

The last tier of the ‘Classes’ window is the individual entries for students and graded items. Entries in this window are not editable. This window serves as a quick reference of all the data in the grade book and for quick editing. Double clicking the last entries in the Student or Graded Item trees opens up the edit dialog for the selected item as shown in sections 2.4.1 and 2.5.1.respectively.  A partially expanded CPE 308 tree is shown in Figure 2.3-4.

Figure 2.3-4: Partially expanded CPE 308.

The creation of Students and GradedItems are discussed in sections 2.4 and 2.5 respectively.

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