Microsoft Office Excel is a general spreadsheet product capable of managing
data and perform mathematical computations for any given datasets. For the
purpose of this project, it can record grade scores.
Good Features:
- extensible to many
applications such as accounting, experimental data, etc
- has the ability to evaluate
exponential, logarithmetic, arithmetic, and many other mathematical
- offers dynamic column sort
- offers many forms of visual
representation such as chart, histogram, plot diagram, etc
Bad Features:
- features are not
- it requires too many presses
to add an assignment and weigh it
- too many unnecessary features
makes it confusing to use
Missing Features:
- Student grade prediction
- Security scheme
- Ability to integrate with
existing roster database
- Ability to view in the web
- Grade prediction for students
- Access control scheme
- Integrated Mail Client
- Electronic Hand-in
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