1.5. Related Systems

Some widely circulated software that provides comparable functionalities to the Grader Tool include:

Each of these software listed has unique and wide variety of functionalities desirable for the Grader Tool. The Grader Tool has select functionalities chosen by the system end user. The biggest advantages that the Grader Tool has over the available software are as follows:

Teacher's Assistant Account Type:
This feature allows the admin or the professor of the class to assign a Teacher’s Assistant user privilege to a user, giving him the ability to record grades without the privilege of being able to add or remove new assignments.

Grade Prediction Functionality:
This feature allows the students and the teaching faculty to predict the final grade for a student given the current score and the projected scores of upcoming assignments and tests. This functionality also allows students and teaching faculty to figure out what score on a particular assignment or a test is necessary to achieve a desired grade.

Graphic Manipulation of the Grading Scale:
This feature allows the teaching faculty member to visually see the grade breakdown of a given class and adjust the grade breakdown to his liking.

Following is a detailed review of each of these software:

Following these reviews, a summary of the features is provided in a feature comparison matrix.

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