1.4. Impacts

The pro’s

a.       Convenient storage of grades accessible anywhere with an internet connection

b.      Convenient access of grades by students on a secure User ID based system

c.       Useful prediction of grades for student use

d.      Effective graphical representations of grades

e.       Quick scaling and adjusting of grades via graphical or textual input

f.       Secure hierarchy of users allows users to view, view and edit existing grades, or freely edit grades

g.      Assignment categories make adding graded items versatile and automated

h.      Collapsible groups allows fast viewing of grades

i.        Downloadable grade books prevent teachers from being unable to update their grade book during a system failure

j.        Online submission of student work

k.      Online updating of roster compiles grade books at the beginning of the quarter


The con’s

a.       Potential leak of student grades and student ID’s

b.      Outside users hacking into a poorly designed security system

c.       Outside users exploiting the time stamping system

d.      Interception of grade book during submission of grades.


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