2.6 Scaling Grades


This scenario demonstrates the graphic grade scaling functionality of the Grader tool.  Using the Grader tool, the instructor is able to use graphs to scale the grade distribution of the class. This functionality helps the instructor to have a visual understanding of what the grade break down is and the ability to easily make changes directly on the graphs until the grade distribution is to his liking.  It also allows for students to predict their grades by predicting the grade breakdown.


The grade scale functionality has three modes of operation: the pie chart, the histogram, and the data table.  The user can choose to use only one or all modes of operations at the same time.  Whatever changes are made in one mode will be reflected on the other modes as well.


Figure 2.6-1 Standard Grade Scale


Figure 2.6-2 Grade Scale With +/- Grading System



Each grade is assigned a color to give better indication of the grade breakdown.  The user can change the color of each grade by changing its properties as shown in Figure 2.6-3.


Figure 2.6-3 Color palettes

Figure 2.6-4 shows the original graphs with the B section’s color changed to purple.

Figure 2.6-4 Graphs with altered color.

The default grade distribution of any given class is as follows:

            A:  100%~90%

            B:   89%~80%

            C:   79%~70%

            D:   69%~60%

            F:    59%~0%


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