2.6.1 Pie Chart


The instructor can scale the grade distribution through the pie chart by clicking on the divider that sits between each grade sector and dragging it. When the divider is moved, the histogram, the grade distribution table, and the detailed grade table will update to reflect the changes made.



Figure 2.6.1-1 Original Piechart



Figure 2.6.1-2 Original Histogram



Figure 2.6.1-3 Original Grade Table



Figure 2.6.1-4 Original Spreadsheet


When a divider is moved to the point of overlapping the next divider, the two dividers becomes one and the sector that was placed between them is eliminated. Tabs will be placed on the new single divider if the instructor decides to separate them again.


Figure 2.6.1-5 displays a situation where the divider between a B and a C has been moved to overlap with the divider that lies between a C and a D. At this point, the instructor can click on the C tab between B and D and drag it to create a new region corresponding to a C.



Figure 2.6.1-5 Modified Piechart


Figure 2.6.1-6 and Figure 2.6.1-7 displays the changes made to the histogram and grade table as a result to the changes made in the piechart.



Figure 2.6.1-6 Modified Histogram



Figure 2.6.1-7 Modified Grade Table


When the change is made to the piechart and the instructor clicks “OK” the new grade scale is saved and the gradesheet is modified as shown in 2.6.1-8.


Figure 2.6.1-8 Modified Spreadsheet


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