1.5.3 Gradebook Power


            The most recent version of Gradebook Power was released August 5th, 2005. It is a platform specific program that is only available for Windows machines and can be found at http://www.gradebookpower.com/.  The program is a helpful / simple piece of software, but it’s functionality is limited. Only one action may occur at a time (you are limited to a single window) and the UI is difficult to navigate.



Positive Aspects:


·        Wizards to create most things

·        Drop lowest functionality

·        Changeable grading scale

·        Customizable teacher view setup

·        Import/export student data

·        Multiple style print outs

·        Seating chart

·        Attendance


Negative Aspects:


·        Types of assignments pre-defined

·        Difficult navigation, lots of tutorials required to become accustomed to the software.

·        Lack of adequate sorting functionality

·        Specific formatting for input (i.e. Student name/id) required

·        Only one style grading rubric allowed at a time

·        Platform dependent

·       May only have one class open at once

·        Lack of customizability on print reports page


Missing Aspects:


·        Student notification/retrival of grades

·        Different levels of access (i.e. lacking a specific level for TA’s)

·        No graphical analysis

·        Lack of networking functionality in general

·        Search functionality

·        Network functionality

·        Late policy storage



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