1.3. Operational Setting


The primary operational setting for the Grader program is the Cal Poly Computer Science Department. A secondary setting is Cal Poly as a whole. Other universities or educational institutions could find the Grader program useful as well.


Currently, most Computer Science teachers at Cal Poly are using Microsoft Excel or a comparable spreadsheet tool for the majority of their grading work. They post grades either through Blackboard or some other way, such as a personal website. Students at Cal Poly use either the Blackboard system or a teacher’s personal system to check on grades. Blackboard is a web-based grade program, and Microsoft Excel is offline software. The Grader program would replace Blackboard, Microsoft Excel, and other grading methods entirely. It would provide a spreadsheet tool and be able to generate websites for students to check on their grades. Teachers would be given more freedom and speed in managing grades and be able to complete all of their grading duties through a single program. Students would be able to use the “what if” feature to obtain a better idea of their standing in the class.


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