2.4.1. Adding and Editing Graded Items

To add and edit grading categories, the user selects the 'Insert Category' menu command. In response, the system displays a window of the form shown in Figure 33.

Figure 33: Add/Edit Graded Item Form.

Graded Item is the term used to describe the assignments to be graded, as well as the categories that they fall under. All fields are initially grayed out until an item is selected. To create a new category, the user clicks on the New Item button. A descriptive name can be entered in the Name field. This is the name that will appear on the main Grade- sheet page. The user must select the Category radio button to mark this item as a category. This will enable fields that allow control over grade options for all assignments that fall under this category. The Grace Days allows assignments to be turned in late without a penalty to points. The Drop Lowest Scores will drop the lowest score from the overall grade. When the OK button is clicked, the category has been officially created.

Figure 34 shows the creation of a new parent.

Figure 34: Parent Being Created.

To create a new assignment, the user clicks the New Item button. A name can once again be entered in the Name field. Assignments must have a parent category, so a Parent must be selected from the dropdown list. This is the category that the assignment will appear under on the main gradesheet page, as shown in figure 35.

Figure 35: Dropdown of parent selection.

The user must select the Assignment radio button to mark this item as a category. This will enable fields that allow the user to specify how many points the assignment is worth, as well as the due date. When the OK button is clicked, the item has been officially created.

Figure 36 depicts the creation of a new Assignment.

Figure 36: Assignment Being Created.

Figure 37 shows the newly created Graded Items on the Gradesheet.

Figure 37: New gradesheet.

The parent category field can be filled in for categories, as well as assignments. This allows the instructor to further organize the grades. In the following example, as shown in Figures 38 and 39, the Midterms category is given the Tests category as a parent.

Figure 38: Category with a Parent.

Figure 39: Gradesheet with a parent on a category.

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