2.4.8. Grade Computation

This section describes various scenarios for computing grades with different types of late penalties.

Using the "Points" style of grading, if there is no late penalty on an assignment the student will receive their full grade -- even if the assignment is turned in late. If there is a decay set, the final score is calculated using the equation [score = #points * (score - (decay/timePeriodInMinutes) * #minutesLate)]. If the result of this is less than 0, the score is set to 0 (a student cannot receive a negative score on an assignment).

If an assignment uses the credit/no credit grading style and there is no late penalty, the student either receives a score of 100% or 0%. If a late penalty is set, the late penalty is calculated using the same formula as above.

If an assignment uses a "Mark" grading style and there is no late penalty, the student receives a grade equal to the grade associated with that mark (i.e. a check plus might be 90% and a check might be 80%). If a late penalty is set, the late penalty is calculated using the same formula as above, where the score is the value of the mark the student earned.

An item is due at 18:30 on 10/25/2009, and is graded using the "Points" style, as shown in Figure

Figure Item Due at 18:30 on 10/25/2009

Student One turns in an assignment at 18:00 on 10/25/2009, thirty minutes before it is due. Their score on the assignment is determined to be 80%. Because the assignment was turned in on time, and the number of possible points is 10, this this score is computed as:
score = #points * (score - (decay/timePeriodInMinutes) * #minutesLate)
score = 10 * (.8 - ((.05/1440) * 0))
score = 8

Student Two turns in an assignment at 18:00 on 10/26/2009, exactly one day after it is due. Their score on the assignment is determined to be 80%. Because the assignment was turned in exactly twelve hours late, the decay was set to 5% per day, the number of possible points is 10, and it is calculated continuously, this score is computed as:
score = #points * (score - (decay/timePeriodInMinutes) * #minutesLate)
score = 10 * (.8 - ((.05/1440) * 1440))
score = 7.5

Student Three turns in an assignment at 06:00 on 10/26/2009, twelve hours after it is due. Their score on the assignment is determined to be 80%. Because the assignment was turned in exactly twelve hours late, the decay was set to 5% per day, the number of possible points is 10, and it is calculated continuously, this score is computed as:
score = #points * (score - (decay/timePeriodInMinutes) * #minutesLate)
score = 10 * (.8 - ((.05/1440) * 720))
score = 7.75

Student Four turns in an assignment at 18:00 on 11/26/2009, 31 days after it is due. Their score on the assignment is determined to be 80%. Because the assignment was turned in 31 days late, the decay was set to 5% per day, the number of possible points is 10, and it is calculated continuously, this score is computed as:
score = #points * (score - (decay/timePeriodInMinutes) * #minutesLate)
score = 10 * (.8 - ((.05/1440) * 51336))
score = -9.825
Because a student cannot score below a zero on an assignment, this score is set to 0.

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