2.1.1 Instructor User Interface Overview

When the instructor initially invokes the Grader, the screen appears as shown in Figure

Figure Instructor Main Window

The initial display consists of two windows: the main window that houses all sub forms and the gradebook window. The main window has a pulldown command menu and can be resized. The gradebook window defaults to the last opened gradebook or a blank gradebook if none exist.

Figure shows an expansion of the command menus.

Figure Menu Structure.

The File menu contains typical commands for manipulating gradesheets and performing other system-level functions. 'File New' opens a new gradebook within the main window. 'File Open' opens an already existing gradebook in the main window. 'File Save' saves the currently selected gradebook with the same filename. 'File Save As' does the same as save, but the instructor chooses a new filename. 'File Publish' will be used to publish the currently selected gradebook online. 'File Import' imports a gradebook from a class roster file. 'File Export' exports the gradebook to a file that can be used elsewhere. 'File Exit' closes the application.

The View menu contains typical commands for changing the display of the Grader. 'Toolbars' submenu allows the instructor to show/hide different Grader toolbars: 'Graded Items', 'Publish' or 'Graphs'. 'Zoom' submenu allows the instructor to zoom in and out of the gradebook. Zoom sizes are '50%', '100%', '150%', and '200%'. 'New Graded Item' allows the instructor to switch to a student view of the gradebook. See Section 2.1.3 for more information about the student view.

The Tool menu contains commands for use with gradebooks. 'Tool Find' finds a particular student, grade, or assignment in the gradebook. 'Tool Options' opens a dialog box to allow the instructor to customize the Grader tool.

The Gradebook menu contains commands for managing the gradebook. 'New Graded Item' opens a dialog box to allow the instructor to create a new Graded Item. 'New Category' opens a dialog box to allow the instructor to create a new Category. 'Category & Item Manger' opens a dialog that allows the instructor to mange all categories and graded items, including their default behaviors, weights, and any subcategories.

The Students menu contains commands for managing students. 'New Student' opens a dialog that allows the instructor to manaully add a student to the gradebook. 'Student Manager' opens a dialog that lists all students in the current gradebook, allowing the instructor to edit or delete a student.

The Window menu contains useful commands for managing the windows. 'Window Gradebook' opens up a gradebook window. 'Window Pie Chart' opens up a pie chart window. 'Window Histogram' opens up a histogram window. 'Window Grading Scheme' opens up a Grading Scheme window. After this is a list of all open windows.

The Help menu contains commands for the instructor to view documentaiton.

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