2.8. File-Specific Commands

2.8.1. New, Open, Close, and Exit

Zero or one Scheduler Project file may be open at any time. The name of the currently open project is listed in the banner of the command menu. When no project file is open, the file name in the banner is blank. Creating a project file with the "New" command, explained in detail in section 2.2.1., creates a temporary file on the hard drive that must later be saved to the drive. "Open" retrieves a given file from the hard drive, and attempts to open it as a Scheduler Project. If successful, the project is displayed on-screen. If unsuccessful (either the file is not a project file, or has been corrupted), the system will display an error describing the problem. All associated local databases are retrieved as well when a project is opened. "Close" simply closes the currently opened project, after inquiring whether the user would like to save. "Exit" first runs the 'close' command on the currently open project (if any), and then exits the system and returns to the operating system.

2.8.2. Save, Save As...

Saving a project will save the current project settings, all associated local databases, and all required information in the current project to the hard drive. If the project has not been saved since its creation, the "Save" command will act exactly the same as the "Save As...' command. For "Save As...", the user will browse to a directory (the default is the Program File directory for the Scheduler system), enter a filename, and click 'Save'. External or Permanent Databases are saved automatically within the system files, and do not require user action.

2.8.3. Posting

An administrator will post a project when the schedule has reached a nearly final stage and is ready to be critiqued by students and faculty. The schedule and its databases will be set up in a readable form on the system's network, accessable by the schedule's filename, quarter, and year.

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