1.5.1 Virtual Classroom Scheduler

Virtual Classroom Scheduler helps campus management schedule classes through a graphical user interface. The interface looks like a spreadsheet with options to view teacher, room, classes and subject assignments. Selections to schedule a class in a specific room are made by right clicking within the spread sheet and choosing a room, teacher, class name, and time. The scheduled class is displayed as a colored rectangle under the day/s it is scheduled. Classes can be moved around very easily to different parts of the week. Once the schedule has been finished it can be exported into a spreadsheet format.

VCS lacks many features that is outlined in this requirement document. The largest missing feature is algorithm to pair classes to teachers. The user must manually pair the classes and teacher prior to assigning class rooms. Moreover, there is no way to automatically assign classes to a room, it must be done manually. Also, VCS does not have a mechanism to prevent two classes from being scheduled in the same classroom and time. Furthermore, it is very cumbersome to schedule classes for multiple days because, the add dialog does not allow the user to enter the number of class meetings per week. VCS simiply does not meet the requirements to schedule teachers and classes.

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