1.5.1 Related System - Genetic Algorithm Class Scheduler

Project Homepage - gacs.sourceforget.net
Project ScreenShots - gacs.sourceforget.net/screenshots.html

The Genetic Algorithm Class Scheduler, or GACS for short, is an open-source course scheduler based on the idea of Genetic Algorithms. The system was developed by two developers who released it under the GPL, however neither the project nor the associated website and documentation have been updated since 2003.

Good Features

Bad Features

Missing Features

Overall, the Genetic Algorithm Class Scheduler is not an ideal solution to our problem. The non-native English support, lack of documentation, missing features and code overhaul required to fit our spec makes this system inadequate for our purposes. However, some of the features included in this product, including the dynamic week schedule generator, data entry screens and scripts, and the algorithm behind the scheduling problem could be integrated nicely into our finished system should we choose to do this. Otherwise, the GACS is a poor choice for our system.

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