1.5.3 Related System - Mimosa Scheduling Software
Project Homepage - http://www.mimosasoftware.com
Project ScreenShots - http://www.mimosasoftware.com/mimosa.html
Mimosa Scheduling Software is a scheduling tool that is very
customizable and expandable. It is designed for a wide variety of uses,
ranging from classroom scheduling to military institutions, according to
their website. As this is a commercial software product, they do not have
much information available on the actual implementation details. However,
they do have an extensive list of features.
Good Features Include:
- Text import / export options
- Synchronizing between different users
- Automatic conflict checking and prevention
- Several different ways of graphically representing a schedule
- Ability to use previous schedules as a template
- Manual editing ability
- Preference storing and changing on the fly
- Room capacity indicators and comparison
- Move of classes (single-click, manual & automatic)
- Swap of classes (single-click, manual & automatic)
- " What if?" tool when inserting lectures into timetables
- Generated schedule can be printed easily
Bad Features Include:
- Seems like there are too many features, which makes the GUI cluttered
- GUI is ugly, does not seem very user-friendly
- Since this program is designed to be very general, they have their own general vocabulary words. This can create some problems understanding documentation and naming conventions unless the user is very familiar with their vocabulary
Missing Features:
- Does not seem to have instructor time preferences
- No way to define distance between two rooms
- Cannot manually define a variable (such as WTU) per instructor
Overall, this program has many useful features for a broad audience. However, this creates a cluttered layout and confusing documentation for users who only wish to use a smaller subset of all the available features.
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