1.5.4 Related System - CyberMatrix Class Scheduler

Project Homepage - http://www.cyber-matrix.com/csched.html
Project ScreenShots - http://www.cyber-matrix.com/csched.html#screen

CyberMatrix Class Scheduler is an easy to use single or multi-user application for scheduling students classes. The software is ideal for schools and other educational institutions that need to quickly schedule classes.

Good Features

Bad Features

Missing Features

Overall, the CyberMatrix Class Scheduler seems to have many of the features that are desired for our project. The client should consider viewing their flash tutorial to determine if the CyberMatrix Class Scheduler is a viable solution. There is a limited free trial available for download at http://www.cyber-matrix.com/csdownloads.html. Due to the fact that CyberMatrix Class Scheduler is a commercial application its customizability is limited. There are other issues that can be read at their Frequently Asked Questions section.

NOTE: The free trial has not been evaluated due to the limited resources of my computer, and the inability to install it on a             Unix system.

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