1.5.6 Related System - Orologio Class Timetabling System

Project Homepage - www.antinoos.gr/en/orologio.htm
Project Screenshots - www.antinoos.gr/orologioen/OroTour.html

Orologio Class Timetabling System is a commercial product maintained by Antinoos a company based in Greece. The software is used by multiple levels of education from elementary school to the university level. The software has had many revisions, so it is very stable and is well suited to be a model for scheduling software, but like all software there are good, bad, and missing features.

Good Features

Bad Features

Missing Features

Overall, the Orologio Class Timetabling System seems like good on paper, however, when attempting to use their trial version the UI was very simplistic and didn't provide any guidance to creating a schedule. It has all the features we are looking for, but because the program is a commercial product, there is no way to import or export the databases, or editing it to work exactly the way we want. We would be limited to the way Antinoos has created the piece of software and the way they want it to be used.

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