1.1. Problem Statement

The general problems to be addressed by the Scheduler Tool project are the following:

  1. to provide a reliable and easy to use software tool that manages the Cal Poly CSC Scheduling System
  2. to provide a secure tool that can provide staff and students with a fair and optimal schedule.
While these problems have been solved by a number of commercially available and public domain products, the Scheduler Tool provides a solution with certain functional improvements over existing tools. Specific problem areas are the following:
  1. Student input as feedback.
  2. Instructor prefrences as schedule criteria
  3. providing a wide range of schedule viewing options

The Scheduler Tool project addresses the requirements of a particular customer. This customer needs a tool with a collection of features not available in any single existing tool. This aspect of the problem is one of combining a set of existing features in a way that the features have yet to be combined in another product.

In addition, the development of functioning software, the Calendar Tool project focuses on two additional problems not addressed in commercial tools:

  1. to provide a pedagogical example for use in the instruction of software engineering, including an example of the practical application of formal methods
  2. to provide fully documented, public domain source code for use by others

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