1.2. System Personnel

The personnel involved in the Scheduler project are organized into the following groups and subgroups:
  1. End Users
  2. a. Scheduling Administrators
    b. Faculty
    c. Students
    d. Public Users
  3. Software Engineers
  4. Customer Representative
  5. System Developer
End Users: Consists of the people which will interact with the software once it is released.

Scheduling Administrators: The Computer Science Department Staff that oversee the class scheduling process would be able to perform all of the necessary operations to run the scheduler software and produce final class schedules.

Faculty: The Computer Science Department Faculty would be set up with the proper user forms to input into the databases for the scheduler.

Students: Students would be provided with the option for commenting.

Public Users: All the other users that have to ability to view the public schedules.

Software Engineers: Students in the scheduler project group for CPE 308 are responsible for the design and implementation of the scheduling software.

Customer Representative: The primary customer representative is Professor Fisher on behalf of the Computer Science Department. He is responsible for presenting the requirements of the software to be developed.

System Developer: Professor Fisher oversees that the software engineering group is proceeding in the appropriate direction for the customer’s specifications.

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