1.3. Operational Setting

The Scheduler Tool (ST) will have 2 primary operational settings: as a replacement/augmentation to the current CSC Department scheduling system; as an tool for other departments to utilize for their own needs. As a open source project, it would be possible to easily adapt the ST for other departmental needs. ST has been designed for use in the following two areas: computers of schedule admins, professors, and students; a host system, on which schedule admins can post/manage schedule, instructors can change their personal preferences and view schedules, and students can provide schedule input/feedback and view schedules.

Currently, the CSC department employs a simple, easy-to-use, web-accessible database is used to provide information for available courses and those professors which are eligible to teach said courses. This system does not supply/generate schedules based on this information. Rather, the online database is used as a tool by which a schedule can be manually constructed (often by hand) for use and alteration in the future.

Currently, the ST will be designed to completely replace the existing system; implementing a schedule generator which will account for time and day preferences, along with other constraints, and create a schedule theoretically suitable for the department. However, given the operational setting of the current scheduling system, the ST design may be altered to utilize the already-existing, online database.

Side Note: ST will also function as a project/example in future software engineering courses.

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