2.5.1. Admin Preference Setting
The admin can edit the priority of preferences by selecting 'Preference Settings' from the Edit drop-down menu. A preference is a condition that is met as well as possible by the schedule generator, but whose conditions are not necessarily met. This changes how the schedules will be generated, because different priority will be considered by the schedule generator based on how the administrator arranges these preferences. The administrator can then click and drag around the preferences to adjust which has a higher priority. The preference with the highest priority is at the top, the lowest at the bottom. Once the preferences are at the desired priority the administrator can click the 'Confirm Changes' button to confirm these settings.

Figure 2.5.1-1: Admin Preferences

The preferences available for ordering are as follows:

Important Note: These are not the preferences of the Instructors themselves. This is to set the priority of use of the personal preferences set by the Instructor.

Figure 2.5.1-2: Admin Preferences Rearranged

As seen above in Figure 2.5.1-2, the preferences can be rearranged to a different order. These changes affect the way a schedule is generated in the following way:

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