2.5.4. Dealing with Constraints

A constraint is a factor that MUST be met and will always be met by the schedule generator. The schedule generator will always meet the constraint rules. The only time a constraint conflict will occur is during the manual schedule editing by the administrator. During a manual schedule edit (section 2.5.3), if a constraint is violated, a popup (Figure 2.5.4-1) will alert the administrator, and the rows with the violation will be highlighted in yellow, and the specific columns highlighted in red.

Figure 2.5.4-1: Dealing with Constraints.

Constraints are listed and handled by the schedule generator as follows:

Figure 2.5.4-2: Constraints in Manual Schedule Edit

As seen in Figure 2.5.4-2, when a constraint is violated by a change made by an administrator, the rows of the conflicts are highlighted in yellow, and the columns with the specific conflict are highlighted in red. They are also moved to the top of the list of courses so that they are brought to the administrator's attention. The remaining list will be sorted as before (whichever had been most recently selected by the user).

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